Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Stop by and Say Hi

And do a little shopping too.

I will be participating in The Craftmas Bizarre 3. So if you are in the Los Angeles area are on December 9, 11 am- 7pm stop by and say "Hi". It will be held at
The Fake Gallery
4319 Melrose Ave, Los Angeles, Ca 90029

Print out and bring in flyer below and get in for free.

Please see their MySpace page -

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Not another Pledge Drive

But this is a good pledge drive. You don't have to donate any money. For the Holidays just make sure that all of you gifts are handmade. If you don't make them you can buy them. Ok just a little money is involved.
Just click on the "I took the handmade pledge" below and pledge. Don't you want a craftster to be a little happier?

I Took The Handmade Pledge!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

My New Boyfriend!

I got a new boyfriend. He is so cute. I love his orange eyes. His horn on his nose. And his cute little smile. I just love him so much. I think we are in love. And on the pluse side he glows in the dark!

Monday, May 7, 2007

Hello Kitty Has A Secret Identity

I just found out that Hello Kitty has a secret identity. I did not know that she is a Lolita Goth.
See for yourself.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Have You Seen This

This is so cool. This is just some of my art work.


Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The Crazy Things That Happen at Work

I work in the entertaiment industry. Well to day we had anamals on the set. Not just any anamals, but bulls. While talking to one of my co-workers, I was looking out accross a feild I noticed that one of the bulls was running full speed accross it. Next thing that I hear is "Run into the barn, run into the barn".
So anything crazy happen at your work?

Friday, April 20, 2007

Who ever knew?

That the statues from Easter Island went on vacation!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Everybody and Thier Mama

Well it's look like everybody and their mother has a blog. So I guess I would jump on the band wagon.
So let me introduce myself. I'm a 30 something who loves to craft. I am a craftaholic. What craft have I not tried? I am a native to the Los Angeles area and still live in the same area that I grew up in.
I will try not to be one of those blogers that never post.

Happi me

Come and visit my Etsy store and say "Hi"